Primary Health Care

As a member First Nation of Mamweysing (North Shore Tribal Council) the Primary Health Care services at the Garden River Wellness Centre are provided through the N'MNINOEYAA COMMUNITY HEALTH ACCESS CENTRE. Maamwesying - North Shore Commnuity Health Services Inc. provides primary care services to on-reserve community members through the Garden River Wellness Centre.


A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a Registered Nurse with advanced university education, who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice.


NP’s serve as a patient’s primary health care provider and they treat patients of all ages. NP’s are qualified to diagnose medical problems, perform advanced procedures, prescribe medications and make referrals for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.

How to Access Our Services

To register for NP/MD services, a client must complete intake registration forms and attend an initial assessment appointment to review medical history and current medical conditions. Consent will be obtained to request medical records from your previous care providers.


Due to the current restrictions, we are not registering new clients for NP/MD services. A list of walk-in clinics is available upon request.


RD & DNE Services are available to all on-reserve community members as well as Garden River First Nation band members living off-reserve.


Community Support Services (PT, OT & Assistant) are available to on-reserve first-nation band members of all ages with highest priority given to those over the age of 55, clients recently discharged from hospital, post-operative clients and clients who are at high risk of re-hospitalization or require support to remain safe at home.

Fill in the form or call to set up a meeting with Dannielle Roach Ext. 226

Ask About Primary Health Care

Clerical & Client Care Coordinator

The Clerical & Client Care Coordinator is the link between all N'Mninoeyaa Community Health Access Centre staff, including our nurse practitioners, physicians, educators, and therapists.

Contact Us

Nurse Practitioners

Rhonda Angeconeb

Debbie Roach

Kristina Rodenhurst

Julia Sayers


Dr. D. Quon

Diabetes Educator

Genevieve London


Bev Humphrys


Mara Roy

Health Promoter / Educator

Cynthia McCutcheon


Dr. A. Gelmych


 Nick Peters

Physiotherapist Assistant

Hollie LeFebvre

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