Dan Pine Sr. had a vision for health and healing. He realized that in order for people to heal, they would need to use traditional ways and practices. In the late 1980’s Dan Pine Sr. worked with consultants to bring this vision to life. DPHL Will offer traditional healing approaches to address the underlying impacts of sexual assault, physical, mental & emotional abuse, and family dysfunction.
There are currently 2 Traditional Healers that offer on-site services by appointment ONLY:
Patricia Toulouse is an Ojibwe Mother and Grandmother of Sagamok Anishnawbek. A graduate in Human Services, practices Earth Medicines, and treats ailments by individual symptoms. A Traditional Medicine Practitioner for Maamwesying, Works with the communities of the North Shore to provide Traditional Services to focus on overall Health & Wellness or health issues.
Patricia strives to assist individuals to be self reliant.
His teachers include. Louis Day (Serpent River), Ron
Wakekejig (Wikwemikong Unceded Territory), Leo
Elijah (Territory of the Oneida), & Dayhunnee Sunray (Vermont, USA). He is a Traditional Bundle Carrier. His work includes ceremonies: Sweat Lodge, Naming, Clans, Colors, Cleansing, Wiping of the Tears for Mourning / Grief, Wedding, & Passing Over.
For more information contact 705-946-5710 Ext. 228 or dphlinfo@grhc.ca
Participant-based learning circles are further support to those who’ve gone through Beauty From Ashes Residential Program and would like to continue their healing journey. This program is also for those not yet ready for the intensity of the BFA residential program. The circles will be time specific, for example 8-10 weeks long and after 2nd session group will be closed circles.
For more information contact the Dan Pine Healing Lodge Intake Worker, Laurie Souliere - ext. 228 or lsouliere@grhc.ca.